A series of new policies and measures will formally be adopted and come into force in July. Let’s see how they will affect your everyday life in China and check the updates of important news!
It’s more convenient to obtain business permit! China to further reform management
A full-coverage listing management system will be adopted on enterprise-related business licensing items nationwide starting from July 1. The examination and approval system will be further reformed with increasing intensity of pilot reforms in free trade zones.
Enterprise-related business licensing items will be annulled, optimized, or transformed into recordinng filing items or notification and commitent items.
For instance, sixty-eight enterprise-related business licensing items are annulled nationwide with another 14 in FTZs, to eliminate operating obstacles in fields including foreign investment and trade, engineering construction, traffic and logistics, and agency services.
All enterprise-related business licensing items will be included in the listing for further management. The means of reform and concrete methods will be pinned down term by term, and the regulation in the process and afterward will be strengthened.
The listing will feature dynamic adjustment, and will be updated to the public for social supervision.
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Tariffs for imports to be lowered

Starting on July 1, China will make the sixth reduction on MFN tariff rates on 176 kinds of information technology products, and interim tariffs on nine imported products will be canceled, according to the Office of the Customs Tariff Commission.
More government affairs services to be available online in Guangzhou
Southwest China’s Guizhou province recently launched regulations to provide better government affairs services to the public. They will take effect on July 1.
The regulations relate to items, platforms, procedures, measures, supervision, and legal liability of government affairs services.
The regulations require that all unclassified items are made available both at government affairs service halls and online, encourage national vertical management departments to provide services at the halls, and set plans for the construction of online and offline service platforms.
Different government departments should share data to help enterprises and individuals save time and reduce the number of required application materials.
Applicants can now simply call the number 12345 to receive government affairs services, submit complaints, seek help, offer suggestions, and receive guidance on online government affairs applications.
Up to 10 mln! Shenzhen offers incentives for e-commerce industry
Shenzhen will promote accelerated development of the e-commerce industry with a series of measures including:
Accelerating the development of large e-commerce platforms
Promoting e-commerce applications
Enhancing cross-border e-commerce
Increasing government support for services
The city will give financial rewards to e-commerce platforms and enterprises meeting certain conditions. The detailed measures will be implemented on July 1 and the maximum reward will be 10 million yuan.
Chongqing to simplify enterprise-related services
Southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality has issued many policy documents on optimizing the business environment. Starting on July 1, Chongqing will offer financial support to SMEs, especially small- and micro-enterprises.
Meanwhile, Chongqing will simplify the whole process of opening a company. Applicants can apply for business license and other materials at one time on the government affairs service platform.
These China-bound flights to suspended! CAAC issued circuit breaker directives
In recent days, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) has issued “circuit breaker” directives on three airlines’ flights to China as some passengers on these flights have been tested positive for COVID-19.
We’ve posted an update two weeks ago, you can check it from the following link:
CAAC newly issued the directives on several flights. The latest list of airlines and flights that recently got the directives is as follows.
If you’ve planned to fly to China this month and bought the tickets for the involved flights, please contact the airlines as soon as possible.

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SOURCE | China Gov / CAAC / China Daily