In order to attract talent from around the world, Hainan is considering implementing a new short negative list management model for foreign work permits. More facilitations and preferential policies about foreigners’ entry and stay will be introduced in the province.

Last year, Hainan unveiled an implementation plan for international talent service management reform in the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP).
According to the plan, Hainan will implement work permit and entry-exit facilitation measures for foreign talents.
The negative list management will be carried out for foreign personnel to work in the Hainan FTP; a quota management system shall be implemented for the restricted categories in the negative list of work permits, while foreign high-level talents who work in the Hainan FTP can work part-time or start businesses after being approved.
Now we got further news about it. Hainan is considering implementing a new short negative list management model for foreign work permits.
In general, China’s negative list includes industries that foreigners are not allowed to invest in.
The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce jointly issued a negative list for Hainan’s Free Trade Port on Dec 31 that was shorter than the national version in a bid to bring greater investment opportunities for foreign investors.
Hainan is now considering another model that would focus on industries that foreigners cannot obtain work permits for, and that list would also be short, allowing international talent more job opportunities on the island.

△ Feng Fei, provincial governor of Hainan
Provincial Governor Feng Fei said luring professional talent, especially overseas talent, is a core issue for the construction of the Hainan FTP.
“Hainan is offering visa exemptions to citizens of 59 countries. We will further improve the level of facilitation and extend the length of the visa-free stay,” Feng said at a news conference outlining the newly released law for the Hainan FTP in Beijing on June 21.
On June 1, China released a master plan to build Hainan, its southern tropical island, into a world-class free trade port by the middle of the century.
On June 10, China passed a law making institutional arrangements for the construction of the FTP at the national legislative level.
The law stipulates measures promoting trade, investment and environmental protection and enables market entities, especially foreign-invested companies, to enjoy more opportunities as it features a shortened negative list.
The law also stipulates visa and work permit facilitation for international talent, aiming to gather talent from around the world to Hainan.
Feng said Hainan will ensure overseas talent have a promising platform for development and easy access to work permits. “Hainan is exploring the implementation of negative list management of work permits for overseas individuals,” the governor said.
We will keep following the updates on the exit-entry policies. Stay tuned!
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SOURCE | China Gov / eHainan / China Daily