Guangdong will provide COVID-19 vaccination service for foreigners in the province from April 12. Here’s what you need to know about it, let’s check!

Good news! Starting from April 12, Guangdong will start the COVID-19 vaccination service for foreign expats subject to local age eligibility restrictions, following the principle of:
- Voluntary participation
- Giving informed consent
- Assuming personal responsibility for risks
Foreign nationals who are covered by the local health insurance program can be vaccinated for free, enjoying the same policy as insured Chinese citizens.
Those not covered will be charged 100 yuan (about $15) per dose, according to the foreign affairs office of the Guangdong provincial government.
By now, the vaccines available in Guangdong are domestically developed inactivated vaccines, and two doses are needed for each recipient.
Foreigners in Guangdong who are of an eligible age and want to be vaccinated on a voluntary basis can make a reservation via a WeChat mini program “Yuejiantong” (粤健通) run by the provincial health commission.
You can long-press the following code or click the link to directly open the mini program and book your vaccine ↓↓↓
After then, you can sign in and submit the essential information to make a reservation. Here’s a simple guide for you:

△ The info you need to enter and submit.
It is noted that you need to show your passport or other ID documents such as permanent resident ID card and valid residence permit at the designated site prior to vaccination. Don’t forget to prepare the required documents.
Before taking vaccine, you should sign both a form of informed consent and a statement of bearing personal responsibility for all risks associated with vaccination.
Please take necessary precautions and inform the vaccine giving personnel of your health condition so that they can decide whether you can take vaccine. If you show any discomfort symptoms 14 days after vaccination, please go to the hospital.
The schedule of vaccination vaires from cities to cities. Based on the epidemic preventin and control situation in Guangdong, vaccination priorities are fiven to the folloing cties:
- Guangzhou
- Shenzhen
- Foshan
- Dongguan
- Zhuhai
Other cities in the province will commence the vaccination as appropriate. Please keep an eye on the vaccination arrangement at your communities.
If you have any questions about living in China, please feel free to contact HACOS!

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SOURCE | Xinhua News / Shenzhen Daily / GRTRadio