On April 17, Wuhan released a notification on the revisions to the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19. The fatalities are up by 1,290 compared with the previous reported figure of 2,579, and the number of confirmed cases saw a small increase of 325.
△ Medical workers hug at the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport after travel restrictions were lifted
On April 17, 2020, the Wuhan municipal headquarters for COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control released a notification on the revisions to the numbers of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19.

△ Screenshot of Xinhua’report on Weibo
The revised figures of the confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in Wuhan are as follows:
- Confirmed cases: 50,333
- Death toll: 3,869
The fatalities are up by 1,290 compared with the previous reported figure of 2,579, and the number of confirmed cases saw a small increase of 325.
You can click the “read more” or the following website to check the full text of Wuhan’s notification:

The death toll was revised up by 50%, which is obviously a big number. So what makes such a difference?
Well, the notification said the increase was due to a comprehensive examination and verification of figures from various departments such as funeral parlors, medical institutions, public security authorities and communities in Wuhan, the city hit hardest by the novel coronavirus in China.

△ Medical workers take a novel coronavirus patient for a CT scan.
In the early stage of the outbreak, a rapid rise in number of patients and quick spread of the disease overwhelmed the city’s medical system, making data collecting difficult.
Now the transmission of the disease has been basically contained and the lockdown of the city been lifted, which makes it possible to look back and comprehensively reexamine the data to ensure its accuracy, according to an official in charge of the matter.

△ A nurse seals off a gate of Leishenshan (Thunder God Mountain) Hospital in Wuhan.
According to an exclusive media interview, an official of the headquarters said that Wuhan previously reported a total of 50,008 confirmed cases of COVID-19 by the end of April 16.
A total of 217 repeatedly counted cases should be deducted from the previous figure due to the fact that there were patients who saw doctors in different districts or visited more than one hospital.
Meanwhile, a total of 542 cases that were previously not tallied due to belated or missed reporting should be added to the figure.
The accumulative number of confirmed cases was revised to 50,333.

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SOURCE | Xinhua / China Daily / 南方都市报