Sunday morning, WeChat for iOS has been updated to version 7.0.12, which officially added dark mode option, and bringing more new features. Let’s check what’s new!
WeChat has tested Dark Mode in the beta version for Android last year, raising a hit discussion on the Internet.
Now the feature is officially launched! But it’s only available in the latest version for iOS so far, Android users still need to wait.
Just like in the beta version, users don’t need to enable this feature manually. The interface will be unilluminated automatically as long as the phone system is in dark mode.
Once you switch the dark mode, most of the user interface such as login page, chatting page, Moments and subscription page will go dark.
But mini-program page, authorization page and dining nearby page are still in bright color.
As the description of the updates shown above, WeChat has also improved voice messaging experience. It is easier for users to convert their voice messages to text easier now.
When holding the talk button, you can swipe up to convert what you say to text. WeChat will recognize your voice message according to the language setting. It supports Mandarin, Cantonese and English for now.

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In this version, WeChat launches Group Tools, showing mini-programs that have been recently used in the group.
What’s more, group admins can set mini-program and notice as Group To-do.

WeChat also improves users’ experience in Moments and stickers, like skipping to moments that users haven’t checked, long-pressing to set the sticker’s position.

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SOURCE | ifanr / App Store