A series of new rules and policies have now been formally adopted and come into force in December. Let’s see how they will affect your everyday life in China!
Wanna Change Carrier but Keep Number? MNP Service is Finally Implemented
China officially launched a mobile number portability (MNP) program across the country on Nov 27.
Before the rollout, about 3.16 million subscribers have completed number porting in five pilot provincial-level regions, showed MIIT data.
China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has introduced the Notice of Issuing the Provisions on the Management of Mobile Number Portability.
The provisions are implemented from December 1, stipulating that telecom companies should improve the transparency of their services.
Int’l Travelers Can Stay More Cities within 144 hrs without a Visa
The number of Chinese border ports that allow eligible international travelers to transit within 144 hours without a visa will increase to 27 from Dec 1.
The newly added border ports to the list are Chongqing municipality in Southwest China, Xi’an, capital of Northwest Shaanxi province, and Ningbo in East China’s Zhejiang province.
The list now includes major cities across China, such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Qingdao, Wuhan and Guangzhou.
Easier to Run a Business in China! Business Licenses and Operation Permits Decoupled
In order to help enterprises start a business with high efficiency, the State Council released a notice recently to fully decouple business licenses from operation permits in the pilot free trade zones (FTZ) nationwide.
Operation permits will cover all government approval items relating to business operations with a list-based administrative mode introduced.
From December 1, the mode will be piloted in FTZs in provincial regions including Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, Liaoning, Zhejiang, Henan, Hubei, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Hainan, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangxi, Hebei, Yunan, and Heilongjiang.
45% Off! High-speed Train Ticket Price will be Adjusted
High-speed train prices will change on Dec 1 with a flexible multi-tier pricing system to improve the transport capacity and efficiency of the railways.
According to media reports, the published ticket price will be the maximum ticket price with the lowest discount by 45%.
The price adjustments are based on the changing demand for tickets at different times, and aimed at encouraging passengers to travel during non-rush periods.
Over 400 train services in seven major South-Eastern coastal railway bureaus involved this time. The flexible pricing mechanism will be extended to more trains next year.
Need Life-saving Drugs from Abroad but Unapproved in China? This Amended Law May Help You

Chinese tear-jerking film Dying to Survive is based on the real-life exploits of a patient who smuggled cheaper generic drugs from India to save himself and others.
On Aug 26, China enacted the amended Pharmaceutical Administration Law and now it’s finally in force.
It is notable that the law will ease the restrictions on importing and selling drugs lacking approval from China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).
This means that drugs legally marketable overseas but unapproved in China may be imported for personal use in small quantities.
The amendment does not mean that China is ready to relax rules on importing generic drugs. But it’s such good news for anyone who can benefit from access to cheap life-saving drugs from abroad.

Yuan Jie, diretor of the legislative affairs commission of the NPC Standing Commitee, said that imported drugs will no longer be classified as counterfeit drugs but still has to be approved.
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SOURCE | China Gov / Xinhua / CCTV