A man was recently fined 500 yuan (US$72.46) for illegally smoking and hindering law enforcement at a Metro station in Longgang District.
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It is the highest penalty imposed on an illegal smoker on the Chinese mainland so far, the Shenzhen Evening News reported Saturday.
The man surnamed Chen was caught red-handed by law enforcement officers while smoking on a pedestrian overpass at Caopu Metro Station in Longgang on Wednesday.
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Chen clashed with the law enforcement officers and subsequently fled the scene. A law enforcement officer was slightly scratched during the altercation.
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At 9:30 p.m. Thursday, Chen and his family showed up at the same Metro station to take the subway and he was spotted by law enforcers. After nearly three hours of persuasion, Chen eventually accepted the fine.
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“We took him to the duty room and explained the regulations to him after we found him. Accompanied by his family, he admitted to his illegal acts and accepted the punishment,” a law enforcement officer said.
Chen was busted during the city’s second round of anti-smoking raids this year. The campaign, which has included five actions at the city’s Metro stations and parks, started May 20 and will run through Friday.
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According to the city’s tobacco control regulations, an individual will be fined 50 yuan if caught smoking in a nonsmoking area.
Those who refuse to obey or hinder law enforcement shall be fined 200 yuan or 500 yuan, respectively.
More information: City to ban vaping in public venues 深圳将出台史上最严“禁烟令”:电子烟也被禁
Actually, smoking in these places is also illegal, pay attention!
Smoking is prohibited in the indoor workplace, indoor public places, and public transport means.
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Also, it’s prohibited in the following outdoor locations:
An outdoor area of education or activity places that provides education, teaching and activity services;
Besides (1), outdoor teaching areas of school and training institution;
Outdoor areas of parks, medical and health institutions and social welfare institutions that mainly provide services for pregnant women and children;
Other outdoor areas of other non-smoking places in medical and health institutions, cultural relic protection units, parks, tourist attractions and other places as stipulated in subparagraph
Outdoor spectator seats or competition areas in sports venues and gym;
Temporary establishment of smoke-free areas;
Other restricted smoking areas according to law and regulations.
Smoking is prohibited in all indoor places.
Some outdoor areas are also prohibited:
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Kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, children’s palaces, child welfare institutions and other places where minors are the main activity groups;
Cultural relics protection units that are open to the public;
Spectator seats or competition areas in sports venues and gym;
Women and children’s care centers, children’s hospitals.
Non-smoking public places include:
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Indoor areas in public buildings (administrations);
Indoor areas in hospitals, indoor and outdoor areas in women and children’s care centers, children’s hospitals;
Indoor and outdoor areas in kindergartens, schools, children’s palaces;
Indoor areas at education and training venues as well as places for teenager activities;
Indoor areas in cinemas, concert halls, libraries, exhibition halls, science centers, cultural centers, museums, art galleries, memorial halls, etc.;
Shopping malls and bookstores;
Indoor areas in financial, postal and communication places;
Tickets offices, indoor platforms and inside public buses, couches, taxis, ferries;
Auditoriums, sporting venues, indoor gymnasiums;
Indoor hotel lobbies, training centers, and holiday resorts;
Escalators and elevators;
Other non-smoking areas according to law and regulations.
Restricted smoking areas include:
Restaurants of over 150 square meters or with over 75 seats;
Entertainment and gaming venues;
Indoor workspaces;
Waiting rooms of public buses, taxis, couches, metro, ferries, trains and Airplanes;
Other restricted smoking areas according to law and regulations.